The Hack of Creating Systems

The Power of Systems: How to Sustain Progress and Achieve Your Dreams

“Systems are the best hack for humans. They create predictable results, reduce stress, and free you up to focus on the things you want to do.” — Tim Ferris.

We all have dreams that we want to achieve. Whether it’s starting a business, investing in real estate, or simply getting in shape, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the amount of work that needs to be done. But, what if there was a way to make all of this easier? What if there was a way to break down our goals into manageable tasks and create a system that we can follow consistently? That’s where the power of systems comes in. From starting a business to working out, systems play a critical role in our lives. As I have begun a new chapter of my own, I have realized how important systems and time blocking actually is. This article is to explore the importance of systems and provide steps for becoming a victor of your dreams. This is me speaking to myself here as well, so let’s do it!

The Importance of Systems

Creating a system involves breaking down complex tasks into smaller, more manageable steps. A system can help you stay focused and organized, reducing stress and anxiety. Systems also help you form habits, which is critical to achieving long-term success. Habits allow you to sustain progress even when motivation wanes. By implementing systems, you develop a productive routine that can be repeated. Regardless of the task, creating a system can make it easier to act on the things that lead towards progress. It is especially important when doing something new that does not have “metrics” that help you immediately define success. Sometimes by achieving the steps to your systematic process is how you can define whether or not your day was successful.

“Success is not a random act. It arises out of a predictable and powerful set of circumstances and opportunities.” — Malcolm Gladwell

Steps for Creating Systems

The first step is to define your goal. What do you want to achieve? Is it working out 4 days a week? Once you’ve identified your goal, work backwards to determine the steps required to reach it. Breaking down your goal into smaller, more manageable tasks can make it less intimidating. Once you have a clear roadmap, identify the tools and resources you need to get started. “I want to get fit”. That’s not a system, that’s a hope. “I will set my alarm at 6:00am on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and will place my phone across the room to ensure I am up and out the door by 6:30am before my work day”. That may be a simple example, but that is an idea of putting systems in place to ensure certain goals are achieved, like getting in shape!

The second step is to implement your system. This involves creating a routine that works for you. Determine the best time of day to tackle each task and how long each task should take. Make sure you have all the resources you need in place before you get started. Stay flexible, as you may need to adjust your routine as you go. So, remember getting out the door by 6:30am to workout? Set your alarm when you get there for 45 minutes to keep you on track so that you are back home before your work day starts.

“Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.” — Sam Levenson

How to Sustain Progress

Creating a system is only the first step towards achieving your dreams. Sustaining progress requires consistency and dedication. One helpful practice is to track your progress. This can be achieved through a planner, a bullet journal, or an app. Tracking your progress allows you to see your growth, which can be a powerful motivator. Another helpful practice is to reward yourself along the way. Celebrate your small successes, and don’t be too hard on yourself when you experience setbacks.

The Benefits of Systems

The benefits of systems go beyond achieving your goals. Systems can help you feel more in control of your life, reducing stress and anxiety. They can also improve your decision-making abilities, as you’ll have a clearer understanding of what works and what doesn’t. Finally, systems can save you time and energy, freeing up time for more leisurely or fulfilling pursuits.

“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.” — Vincent Van Gogh.

Stick to it

At the beginning, it can be challenging to stick with the system you’ve established. However, consistency is key. Try not to push yourself too hard or beat yourself up when you don’t follow the system precisely. I know I keep going back to the gym example, but I have seen it too many times where someone goes hard at the gym for two weeks by working out almost 2 hours a day, only to stop after that 2–4 week period because they did not create a sustainable pattern. Recognize the small improvements you make along the way, and resist the urge to quit when you face a hurdle. Stick to it, even when it gets challenging. Make sure you create structures and steps to follow that are challenging, yet achievable. Otherwise, if you never achieve what you created a system for, chances are you won’t want to start it next time!

Remember to be flexible and track your progress, and don’t be afraid to reward yourself along the way. With a bit of effort and dedication, anything is possible. I am a firm believer of that and refuse to accept anything else.

“Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” — Winston Churchill

1 comment

  • Great article! Systems and forming habits are so beneficial to achieving goals.


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