How Enneagram Type Sevens Navigate the World of Finance

From FOMO to Financial Freedom


Here we are, the Enthusiast. This personality type I am a bit familiar with, since I am a 7 wing 8. I resonate with a lot of these points, with a heavier emphasis on some areas than others. In case you didn’t know, one of the nine types of the Enneagram is the Type Seven, also known as the Enthusiast. They are known for their high energy, infectious optimism, and love for adventure. As an Enthusiast, you have a natural desire for new experiences and often have multiple interests and hobbies.

While their zest for life is admirable, it can also have a significant impact on their spending habits. In this post, we’ll uncover four key points that makes the Type Seven tick, what their goals and desires are, and how this can influence their financial decisions. At the end, we’ll provide some practical tips on how they can positively influence their spending and investment habits.

“When my mind is on the go, so am I.” — E. L. Konigsburg

The Core Desires of a Type Seven Enthusiast

The Type Seven Enthusiast is driven by the core and infectious desire for excitement and variety. They are always looking for the next adventure, experience, or project to jump into. Life is a series of opportunities to explore, and they want to make the most of every moment. This is also why they experience FOMO (Fear of missing out). FOMO goes beyond adventures or missing a party, but into career opportunities as well. With so many interests and passions, they can often feel like they are missing out on something if they don’t try or have it all. This fear of missing out can manifest itself in different ways when it comes to spending habits. They may feel the need to constantly upgrade their possessions or experiences, always seeking the next best thing. This desire for new and exciting experiences can often be the driving force behind their spending habits. They are also drawn to flashy and novel items, which can lead to impulsive purchases and a tendency to overspend.

This core desire for novelty and stimulation can have a significant impact on their spending habits. Type Sevens are not afraid to indulge in experiences or buy items that bring them pleasure or entertainment. They may love to travel, try new cuisine, attend events or concerts, or buy the latest gadgets. They have a keen eye for quality and might be willing to spend a little extra to get something unique or exclusive.

The Goals of a Type Seven Enthusiast

Type Sevens are ambitious and hardworking individuals who thrive on accomplishing their goals. They are not content with just getting by; they want to aim high and achieve their dreams. For many Type Sevens, financial freedom is an essential goal. They want to be financially independent so that they can pursue their passions and interests without any limitations. For many, this goal is paramount to their other core desires.

However, their desire for freedom and independence can clash with their undisciplined spending habits and desire for constant adventure. Type Sevens may struggle with saving money or investing for the long term because they fear missing out on opportunities, experiences, or adventures. They may also struggle with delayed gratification or setting realistic financial goals.

The Impact of Type Seven’s Personality on Their Spending Habits

They tend to see money as a means to an end rather than an end in itself. They may not enjoy budgeting, tracking expenses, or managing their finances because it feels restrictive and boring. Instead, they prefer to focus on the fun things that they can do with money, such as traveling, shopping, or dining out.

This attitude towards money can lead to impulsive or irrational financial decisions. Type Sevens may overspend, accumulate debt, or underestimate the costs of their activities. They may also struggle with sticking to a budget or savings plan because it feels too constricting or limiting.

Practical Tips for Type Seven Enthusiasts to Improve Their Spending Habits

If you’re a Type Seven Enthusiast, there are several practical steps you can take to improve your financial habits. First, it is essential to recognize the impact that your personality has on your spending habits. Once you understand your tendencies, you can start to take action to mitigate the negative effects. Again, this spans beyond the assumed spending for a nice car or constant vacations, it trickles into all hobbies and projects.

One strategy is to create a budget that allows for both enjoyment and savings. You can allocate a specific amount of money towards experiences (both leisurely and professional) or purchases that bring you joy while also setting aside a portion of your income for a long-term savings or investment goal.

Another effective approach is to focus on goal-setting and visualization. By envisioning a future where you have achieved your financial dreams, you can motivate yourself to make more disciplined choices in the present.

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” — Helen Keller

Being a Type Seven comes with a constant rush of desires, goals, and adventures. The mind never truly stops for a Seven, even if they wished they could make it stop. Definitely strap in if you are partnered with one, it’s not always the easiest ride, but their intentions are most often pure. Depending on where that extreme is at, Type Seven’s are either being extremely frugal with their money to achieve financial independence or are lavishly living to experience the next adventure. There is no middle ground. They are capable of achieving anything, sometimes they just need to be redirected to the thing that they had already gotten bored from.

This is not financial advice. For educational purposes only. Before making any financial decisions, consult with a professional.

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