Financial Habits Through the Lens of the Enneagram Type Six

A Deep Dive into Type Six, the Loyalist


Have you ever wondered why you have certain spending habits, or struggle with saving money? Pulling back the curtain to how financial habits and personality types influence your financial behaviors is paramount to living a fulfilling life, especially in terms with your relationship to money. Understanding your personality can be a huge help in understanding how you approach money. If you do not know this, the Enneagram is a popular personality system, and we’re going to focus on Type Six, also known as the Loyalist, and how their personality can impact their spending and investing habits.

Traits of the Type Six (The Loyalist)

The Enneagram Type Six, the Loyalist, is known for their unwavering loyalty and reliability. These individuals prioritize security and stability in all aspects of life, including personal and professional spheres. However, this cautious nature can sometimes hinder their ability to seize opportunities due to a fear of taking risks.

When it comes to their spending habits, Type Sixes tend to gravitate towards practical and safe purchases rather than indulging in extravagant splurges. The fear of not having enough money saved for unforeseen circumstances strongly influences their financial decisions. In addition, Type Sixes prefer to play it safe when it comes to investing. They prioritize stability and security, often opting for low-risk investments with modest returns. While this approach strengthens their financial foundation since they will be putting much of their income towards a savings account, it can also limit potential growth and profits.

One way that Type Sixes can positively impact their spending and investing habits is by taking small steps towards building trust in themselves. By gradually stepping outside of their comfort zone, whether it’s by making a slightly riskier investment (which in reality, won’t be overly risky due to their risk-adverse nature), or by allowing themselves to enjoy a small splurge, they can build confidence in their abilities to manage their finances. Establishing that foundation of trust can help Type Sixes feel more comfortable taking calculated risks and pursuing potential opportunities.

Another aspect of Type Six’s personality is their value on relationships and community. They often form strong connections with family, friends, and co-workers, and may put the needs of others before their own. This can be a beautiful quality, but it can also mean that they may overspend or give too much money away in an effort to help others. To combat this tendency, Type Sixes can benefit from having a clear budget and financial plan in place. By establishing guidelines for how much they can afford to spend or give away, they can still prioritize their relationships, while also ensuring their own financial stability.

Strategies for Improving Financial Habits for Type Sixes

Further delving into their need for safety and security, it’s important to consider their inherent need for predictability. This need often translates into an affinity for long-term financial planning. They are likely to have insurance policies in place and to contribute regularly to their retirement funds. On the flip side, this can also lead to unnecessary stress and anxiety, particularly in unpredictable economic climates. For example, they may spend excessive time worrying about market fluctuations and the impact on their investments. Therefore, it may be beneficial for Type Sixes to work with financial advisors who can provide expert guidance and reassurance. This will not only help them to navigate financial uncertainties but also reduce their anxiety by providing a sense of security.

Beyond their own personal financial habits, the Type Six’s loyalty and commitment often extend to their professional lives. They tend to be dependable employees and may stay with the same company for a long time, valuing job security over higher risk, higher reward opportunities. This inclination towards job stability further underscores their conservative approach to finances. However, if they find themselves in a stagnant career or in a job that doesn’t offer advancement opportunities, they may need to challenge their fears and consider making a strategic career move. Overall, understanding and addressing these aspects of a Type Six personality can help them strike a balance between maintaining financial security and taking calculated risks for financial growth.

When it comes to financial health, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. Each Enneagram type has its own strengths and weaknesses in managing money. To effectively plan for your financial future, it’s crucial to consider these traits. For instance, Type Sixes could greatly benefit from partnering with a financial advisor who can help them establish a strong foundation while also encouraging calculated risk-taking. By understanding and embracing their Enneagram type, Type Sixes, along with people of all other types, can develop healthy and sustainable financial habits for the long term.

“A lot of people give up just before they’re about to make it. You know you never know when that next obstacle is going to be the last one.” — Chuck Norris

The Loyalist’s Financial Journey

It is easy to see how your Enneagram type can greatly impact your financial well-being. For the Loyalist, understanding their inclination towards security and stability is key. However, it is also important for them to step out of their comfort zone and cultivate trust in themselves to seize potential opportunities. Type Sixes can strike a balance by creating a comprehensive budget and financial strategy that prioritizes both their relationships and sense of community, while also ensuring their personal financial stability. By aligning their financial planning with their Enneagram type, Type Sixes (and individuals of all other types!) can establish a strong foundation for long-term financial health. So, build that financial foundation that brings you a sense of security, but after that, don’t be afraid to take a dive and see where your financial journey takes you. Chances are, even your “risky” investments may be rathy safe.

This is not financial advice. For educational purposes only. Before making any financial decisions, consult with a professional.

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