Build on What You Can Control

10 Perspectives to Focus On

Have you ever gotten stuck somewhere over the holidays because something happened with the weather, the airline company, or some other situation that was completely out of your control? As myself, along with thousands of other travelers in America, are not able to get back home due to mounting flight cancellations, it inspired me to focus on and write about the things that we can influence. In a world of uncertainties, social media, and a barrage of constant negative news, focusing on things that you CAN control will allow so many other things in life to fall into place.

It is important to understand that our thoughts have a powerful impact on our actions and experiences. We can choose how we want to think and how we focus our attention on developing the right mindset to reach our goals. Here are 10 perspectives to think about as the natural environment around us is one that promotes negativity and not growth:

1. Attitude: Your attitude is the foundation of your entire life and how you view the world around you. No matter what happens in life, it’s all about perspective. Having a positive attitude will help you make the best out of any situation. Gandhi once stated, “Your mindset determines your direction. What you think, you become”. Be sure that your thoughts and those that influence your immediate environment encourage an attitude of growth, stability, and fulfillment and not stagnation or negativity.

2. Habits: Habits are behaviors that have become so ingrained in us that we do them almost without thinking. Ever gotten to work and you do not remember even driving there? Habits are similar to experiences like that. That can happen to our lives if we are not careful. Adopting healthy habits and breaking bad ones can have a major impact on your overall lifestyle. Most of the time, change occurs after forming habits that are performed every single day. Socrates wrote, “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new”.

3. Time: Time is the most valuable asset you have, so learning to manage it effectively is key for personal growth and success. A great way to start managing your time more efficiently is by creating a daily routine and sticking to it as much as possible. Everyone has their own journey and often can remove us from the path that we were destined for. Treat your time as the treasure that it truly is.

4. Thoughts: Your thoughts will shape the direction of your life, so it’s important to be mindful of what you’re thinking and how they may affect your decisions, moods, and relationships. Learning how to control your thoughts can take some practice but is ultimately worth it. Joyce Brothers once stated, “Success is a state of mind. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success”.

5. Actions: Every decision you make has an affect on your life, whether it’s large or small. It is usually the small actions that usually are the most life changing. Learning to think critically and make decisions based off of what will benefit you in the long run can be a great way to stay on track for success.

6. Environment: Surrounding yourself with positive influences, like good friends, family and mentors, can have a huge impact on your life. When you create an environment that encourages creativity and personal growth, it will be easier to stay motivated and inspired. It has been said that if you want to see your future, look at the 5 people closest to you who you spend the most time with.

7. Finances: Money is one of the biggest stressors in modern society, so having control over your finances can be incredibly liberating. Taking the time to establish a budget, track expenses, and save for emergencies or retirement are all important steps in building financial security. Often times, the above points have the biggest impact on your finances. If the above aspects are in chaos, I can almost guarantee your finances are too.

8. Health: Your health should always be a priority, as it affects every aspect of your life from emotional well-being to physical capabilities. Eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and managing stress are all key components of living a healthy lifestyle. As important as building financial wealth is, your mental and physical health is even more important. How many millionaires and billionaires who were on their death bed would have given up everything to live just one more day?

9. Relationships: Good relationships with friends, family and our signficant other can be a great source of strength and security. Putting the effort into maintaining positive connections with the people in your life can help create harmony in day-to-day interactions. Those day-to-day interactions and behaviors act as the foundation to maintaining a healthy environment and mindset.

10. Career/Calling: Building career success is an important part of achieving your goals and living that life that only you can envision. You should attempt to have control over how you approach daily work tasks, how you increase your knowledge base, and what direction you take as far as career growth goes. Focusing on these aspects will ensure that you reach for personal achievement each step of the way.

By taking charge of these areas instead of leaving them up to chance or fate, we have the power to make sure our lives unfold in the best way possible. Make sure that you are setting goals, taking action and making conscious decisions to ensure that your life is being lived to its fullest potential. Don’t treat your life like the mornings when you arrive to work and don’t even remember driving there. Life is meant to be much more fulfilling than that. Pursue that dream life that others may not understand or desire for themselves. Your goals and vision does not have to align with everyone else around you. Build a life of intention and take charge of what you can control.

1 comment

  • Great post! Mindset is so important.

    Veronica Thompson

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